Hello friends. I know I've been gone a long time. Infact, this is the longest I've ever been gone. To catch you up a little bit, I am feeling much better. This past summer was terrible. I had to deal with the death of my mom, my ex-husband almost died, my husband was unemployeed and I was unable to walk for over four months due to an acute case of Plantar Fasciitis is both feet. I am dealing with my mom's death, I don't think the pain ever goes away completely. My exhusband is doing much better. My husband finally found a job but it will take us a long time to catch up from months and months of being unemployed. I have lost 35 pounds since August in hopes that it would help take some pressure off of my feet. The good news is that my left foot is totally healed. My right foot still gives me trouble when I stand or walk for long periods of time. I think there is something else going on there, but I haven't been able to see a Dr. about it yet.
We have new issues and problems going on that I won't go into detail. I have come to realize that everyone will always have some kind of problems. I think it is so we will appreciate heaven so much more when we get there.
So, today I wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to my followers and show you some free or inexpensive decorating ideas. I am all about saving money and I wanted to decorate for Thanksgiving without spending any money. I only wanted to use things that I had on hand. It was really fun. My girls enjoy these challenges as much as I do.
First of all, I took a glass jar that we already had and we filled it with what we call "Pokey Balls". These grow on a Sweet Gum tree in our back yard. We normally hate Pokey Balls because they hurt when we walk on them barefooted. I put them in a paper bag in our microwave and nuked them for 2 minutes, to kill any critters that might be in them. I told the girls to look through my stash of ribbon for something that looked fallish and low and behold we had this remnant of orange ribbon. I didn't even have to trim it. It was the exact length we needed. This jar will be placed on our buffet table with all the food.
Next we made place cards with scraps of paper from my scrapbooking supplies. I wanted to add a little something to them and I thought I had some little fall leaf stickers but I couldn't find them. So, I sent the girls on a nature walk to find acorn 'hats' or tops. I glued them in the corner of each place card with a glue gun. I think they came out really cute.
Finally, I wanted to make a Thanksgiving Pennant to hang in the dinning room. Since we rent our home, I can't change the wall color or the drapes, but I wanted to add some of my own flair. I was looking in my stash for burlap or something like it. I was so excited to find remnants for of a fabric that I had used to make a client's drapes a few years ago. It has a texture like a soft burlap and it has flowers with a cranberry color in it, which is the color of my table cloth. I painted the words Give Thanks by cutting out templates from freezer paper and pressing it to the fabric. I then painted in the template and then removed the freezer paper. I sewed the pieces on the a jute type, thin rope and pinned them to our drapes. I wish I could have gotten a better photo, but I had to use my phone and it has no flash on it. I am really happy with how it turned out.
We are having a simple family dinner with my parents who are coming to dinner. It was really nice to decorate a little without going crazy or spending any money. I hope you all have a joyous Thanksgiving and are thankful for the blessings that you have.
Happy Sewing and Living,
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Happy Sunday!!
I hope you are all having a great day. Mine has been overwhelming. My 12 year old daughter sang an awesome solo in church today. My oldest daughter was asked to sing in a video of a Christian rapper who attends our Church. The video was released today and it is very cool. So, I just wanted to share it with you.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Meet Silas
My oldest daughter house/pet sat for a couple in our church. She was gone two weeks. When she came home she had money in her pocket and an idea in her head. She said, "Mom, I have to go to Joann Fabric tonight. I am doing a project and you can't ask me anything about it." My hubby took her since my feet were still hurting too bad. (You know I didn't feel well if I skipped fabric shopping) Anyway, she was in her room with a sewing machine for 2 days. Today was the grand reveal. When she appeared with "Silas", I was shocked. I don't understand it. But who am I to question another artist? Please forgive the photo quality, my hubby took it with my phone. I just had to share it with you. I didn't get permission from dear daughter, but since it's her new profile pic, I doubt she'd mind.
Yesterday, marked three weeks that I have tried to stay in bed and give my feet and my horrible case of Plantar Fasciitis and a stress fracture heal. Unfortunately, they are not much better. I have been very depressed being stuck in bed and dealing with my unemployeed hubby and the death of my mother. My daughter (Silas' creator) has been having some issues and has to see a cardiologist. There is more negative stuff in our lives as well, but I won't go into it right now. I am just gonna keep praying and hanging in there.
During my time in bed I did start a smocking project and I've looked at hundreds of sewing blogs. I also taught myself how to make a watermark and a new blog banner. Yay!! I am not very techy and I get very excited when I figure these things out. I hope you are all well and enjoying you creativity, as well.
Happy Sewing!!
Yesterday, marked three weeks that I have tried to stay in bed and give my feet and my horrible case of Plantar Fasciitis and a stress fracture heal. Unfortunately, they are not much better. I have been very depressed being stuck in bed and dealing with my unemployeed hubby and the death of my mother. My daughter (Silas' creator) has been having some issues and has to see a cardiologist. There is more negative stuff in our lives as well, but I won't go into it right now. I am just gonna keep praying and hanging in there.
During my time in bed I did start a smocking project and I've looked at hundreds of sewing blogs. I also taught myself how to make a watermark and a new blog banner. Yay!! I am not very techy and I get very excited when I figure these things out. I hope you are all well and enjoying you creativity, as well.
Happy Sewing!!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Happy Meal Birdhouse Tutorial
I made this birdhouse at Easter to use as a centerpiece for our table. I plan on making a Christmas themed one and a black and white one for my daughter's room. The fabric choices and themes are endless.
I hope you enjoy this tutorial.
Turn your empty happy meal box and a little fabric in to a decorative bird- house.
Draw a circle on the front of your future birdhouse.
Cut out hole with small scissors.
Cut off handles.
Cut a triangle out of cardstock to cover top portion of box (I used an index card).
Tape closed with masking tape.
Dilute tacky glue with a little water. Brush on all four sides with a small paint brush.
Cover sides and trim.
Make small cuts in fabric and glue inside opening.
I used a notebook cover for the cardboard roof.
Cut a 6" x 8" rectangle from the cardboard and fold in half to make a crease.
Cover rectangle with glue and cover with fabric that is a few inches larger than cardboard on all sides.Glue the edges of fabric underneath the roof.
Glue roof to body of birdhouse.
Trace another piece of cardboard the same size as the bottom of the house. Cover with fabric and glue to bottom of house.
I used a yo yo and two buttons to decorate.
I'm linked to.....


Happy Sewing!!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Christmas Through the Year
My friend Allie, has a wonderul thing going on at her blog called Christmas Through the Year. The idea is to make atleast one Christmas gift per month. I made a Christmas apron using a Debbie Mumm panel I bought a few years ago. I will give it to one of my girl friends but I want one too. Check out Allie's blog to see what everyone made.
Happy Sewing,
Happy Sewing,
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
A Sewing Legacy
I was contacted yesterday and told that my mother was found dead in her home. She was my biological mother and raised me and my brother until I was 7 years old and he was 6. She sent us to live with my Dad and his new wife and she stayed gone for about 30 years. I found her once or twice in my late teens and early 20's but she couldn't manage to stay in my life very long. When I was 37 years old and had just had my 5th baby, she moved to Florida and found me. We had contact from time to time but nothing permanent. In the end our relationship was reduced to occasional messages on Facebook. As you probably know, Mothers have a way of screwing you up or helping to make you great. Well, I think I am a mixed bag of "screwed up" greatness. There were some good times (she was very funny) and there were bad times. I'm not going to discuss those things, however. You see my mother is probably the reason I love to sew, craft and create. When I was a young child she sewed from home to make a living. She made drapes for a company that allowed her to work at home. I watched, in awe, as she sat at the sewing machine but I never got sewing lessons from her before I went to live with my Dad. She made her clothes, my clothes and a lot of our home decor stuff. She made doll clothes and I would often find my doll with a new outfit when I woke up in the morning. She made me wedding veils and bouquets out of white tulle and freshly picked daisies. She was a very talented and creative woman. (My father is creative too, so I have a double dose.)
When she moved to Florida I had been sewing for several years. I taught myself to sew when I started having my own children mostly out of neccesity. There was a lot that I had not taught myself and finally she was able to teach me some of those things. She helped me make my first pieced quilt, put in my first zipper and together we made an awesome poodle skirt for my oldest daughter. We purused fabric stores together and she gave me her large cutting table which is one of my favorite possesions.
I love that we had sewing in common. I am flooded with mixed emotions but I pray that soon the pain will lessen and I can smile when I think of these things. I am happy to say that I have been passing my love of sewing to my five daughters as well. They have all sewn projects of their own. As little ones they sat behind me as I sewed and begged me for scraps. My oldest alters her own clothes, my youngest designs barbie clothes endlessly. My middle girls are all creative and are artists in their own rights. I know I have passed on an affection for crafting and sewing but my prayer is that they will have so much more to remember me by. I pray they know first of all how deeply I love them, I hope they remember that I never abandoned them and that I would fight til the death for them. I pray they remember that God loves them and sent his son to save them. I hope they remember me laughing, singing, smiling, being silly and yes instructing them. I know I am far from perfect and they will have memories of me 'losing it' from time to time. I hope they know I wanted to inspire them to their own personal greatness and to be givers. Yes, if they remember these things then my job here on earth will be complete. I miss my mother very much but I am also grateful for the reminder that I am making memories for my children every minute of everyday. Dear Lord, please help me to use my remaining time wisely. Help me to choose love over all else.
Goodbye Mommy (Melody). Rest in peace.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Stir Crazy on a Saturday!
Tomorrow will be one week since I've been on bed rest for my Plantar Fasciitis and stress fracture. I have to say I am going nuts! I am not used to not being able to get around. I want to sew, quilt, something crafty. I have a studio full of supplies and half finished projects, however, I can't get to them and get things prepared so that I can work in bed. I try to explain to my daughters and husband what I am looking for but they just can't find what I need or want. The good news is I have been looking at all the beautiful blogs out there and I am finding tons of inspiration. It is bittersweet because now I really want to sew.
We are taking one of my daughters to church camp tomorrow and I have no clue how I will work that out logistically. My oldest daughter is taking my place and will help her choose a bunk and get her bed made and such. I guess we will work it out. I have to confess that I hate crutches. I feel very awkward and feel like I might fall and break a hip or something. lol. Anyway, I have it so much better than a lot of people so I hate to complain. I was on bed rest during all of my 5 pregnancies, back before lap top computers. Wow! What a great invention the computer is. Where would we be without them?
I hope you all have a wonderful and safe weekend. Try to do something creative.
Happy Sewing!!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Poodle Skirts and Helping Out
I'm sorry I've been gone for a while. Life is still very crazy here. My hubby has been out of work AGAIN! This economy is just nuts. My exhusband, my childrens father, was in the hospital for two weeks and is probably heading back again as I write this. He had a blood clot in his leg from his groin to his ankle, blood clots in his lungs and pnuemonia. He was released, even though they never determined exactly what is wrong with him or how to 'fix' him. He is like us and has no health insurance, so I am sure that was part of his early release. Today, he had his blood levels checked for blood thinnners and he was told to go straight to the ER because his levels are dangerously high. As for me, I am stuck in bed and unable to walk without crutches. I have had a terrible case of Plantar Fasciitis in both feet and now have a stress fracture in my right foot,as well. So, I am hoping that if I get completely off of my feet for a few weeks that they will heal. I was wallking on them, in pain,for six weeks because I still had so many "mom things" to do.
Before I got 'off of my feet' I had been doing some custom sewing. I made this adorable Poodle Skirt and the top for a client. She sings in a band and they were asked to sing at a 17th birthday party that had a 50's theme. I was so happy with how it turned out.
I have an update on Baby Leighton, the preemie baby that I had asked you all to pray for. Well, she came home with oxygen and IV's and such. I was blessed to be able to go help out her mommy for several days. My job was to hold that precious baby while she and mommy slept. Leighton is very spoiled and rightly so, after all she has been through. I got to hold her about 22 hours total and I loved every minute of it. I miss her now that I am unable to drive or walk. I can't wait for my feet to heal so I can hold her again. She's such a sweetie an it is awesome to hold a "miracle" in hour hands.
I want to share with you an opportunity to help a fellow blogger. She is Kaaren from The Painted Quilt blog. She is battling some very serious health problems and my friend Allie from Allie-Oops is collecting quilt squares to make her a quilt. If you can help, please do. I plan on making some squares while I am stuck in bed. Click on the picture to go to Allie's blog and find more information and a tutorial of how to make the block.
Well, my friends, that is what's going on with me. I pray for you all and I ask that you pray for my husband, that he will find a permanent job very soon and that my ex-husband will get well and be able to find work as well. I hope to be back soon with some positive updates.
Happy Sewing~
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Great Teacher Gift
I made these pin cushion button jars for my Homeschool Sewing Class and gave them for Christmas gifts. I think they would make great Teacher or Thank you gifts well.
I used polyfil and covered it with fabric and hot glued ribbon around the lid. I put packs of buttons inside and tied labels around them. You could personalize your own message. I hope these inspire you to create special gifts for someone in your life.
Happy Sewing!!
A Quick and Easy Summer Gift
One of my girls were invited to a Birthday party and I wanted to find a gift that was inexpensive but still special. I think anytime you personalize something, it makes it special. I found this nice beach towel on sale at Walmart for $3.50 so embroidered the young ladies' name (you could use applique if you don't have an embroidery machine). I found this red wallet on clearance for $3.00 and the white sunglasses for $3.50 and I put it all in a big red bag. For just over $10.00 we were able to give a special gift that I'm sure she'll get a lot of use out of this summer.
Happy Sewing!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Busy, Busy, Busy!!
These last few weeks have been a whirlwind of Birthdays, homeschool p.e., flag football, church, music practice and preparing my oldest daughter for prom. I am just exhausted! My husband's new job has required him to be gone 6 days a week and til 9pm every night so I have been doing a lot of running around and feeling like a single mom. Although I am tired, I am so glad that my girls are happy and getting involved in our new community.
As far as my sewing goes, I am haven't done a whole lot. I actually made a tutorial for my blog before Easter and I will get it posted soon. I am altering Abby's prom dress and I have a new quilting class that I will begin teaching next Wednesday. It will be my pattern that I have been teaching for years now. I hope to concentrate a lot more on my patterns this summer. I halted production on all my patterns and my company a few years ago when I was going through my divorce. Now that I am remarried and the dust has cleared it is time to revive that venture. I will keep you posted as I progress. I hope you are all well and can find some time to feed your creativity.
Happy Sewing!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Bedroom Renovation Under Way
I have wanted new bedding for our king sized bed for quite a while, but the prices are just crazy. I've had our bedding since before our wedding and it is kind of dark and winterish. I really wanted something clean and summery. Yesterday, I was at Target and lucked out. I found this king sized comforter on clearance for $20.00! They had 3 square throw pillows and a few towels on clearance too and I grabbed them up. I love the color. I wonder why? Oh...it was my wedding color. I knew George likes that color too. The best part is that it is a clean slate. It is plain and crying out for some dressing up from a quilter. I have plans to make a smaller quilt to be folded at the bottom of the bed and I have plans for the pillows too. Since I have so much "alone" time because George is working a lot of hours, I plan to get right on this project and I will keep you updated.
Baby Leighton is continuing to improve. Please keep praying for her.
I am also praying for the people so devasted by the tornados. It's so sad. I have been more and more aware that we really shouldn't take anything or anyone for granted.
Happy Sewing!!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Update on Baby Leighton
My dear blogging friends,
I wanted to give you a quick update on Baby Leighton. She is improving daily. It is such a blessing as they had done all they could medically and called Jeremy back home from Afghanistan and called in the hospital chaplin. We were worried that her Daddy wouldn't make it home in time. But things have improved so much. Please don't get me wrong, she is still critical and needs continued prayer. Pray specifically for her oxygen saturation. God is so great! It has been my prayer that God would heal her to glorify himself. So many people are praying for this family and our church family is doing all we can to help them. Please, please continue to pray for Leighton, her Mommy and Daddy and her older siblings.
Thank you so much,
I wanted to give you a quick update on Baby Leighton. She is improving daily. It is such a blessing as they had done all they could medically and called Jeremy back home from Afghanistan and called in the hospital chaplin. We were worried that her Daddy wouldn't make it home in time. But things have improved so much. Please don't get me wrong, she is still critical and needs continued prayer. Pray specifically for her oxygen saturation. God is so great! It has been my prayer that God would heal her to glorify himself. So many people are praying for this family and our church family is doing all we can to help them. Please, please continue to pray for Leighton, her Mommy and Daddy and her older siblings.
Thank you so much,
Friday, April 22, 2011
A Quick But Urgent Prayer Request
Ladies, remember the bag and blanket I made for Baby Leighton?(a few posts back) She is a preemie born 13 weeks early. She was born 2 months ago. Well, she had been doing pretty good and was up over 5 lbs. as of last week. Her family goes to our church and her mom (also a mom of 6 kids) and I have become good friends. Her Father is in the Navy and last Monday, my girls and I watched the younger children while mommmy and daddy went to the hospital to see baby Leighton, then they went to the airport because the father, Jeremy, was deployed to Afghanistan. They night Jeremy left, Leighton took a turn for the worse. She is now hanging on by a thread. Her father was called back from Afghanistan. It does not look good but God is able to perform miracles so I am asking my sweet blogging friends to stop what you are doing now and pray for sweet baby Leighton and her mom and dad, Carrie and Jeremy. Thank you so much! I will keep you posted.
Praying non-stop,
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Stylish Blogger Award
I'm sorry it has taken me a while to finish the second step of this Blogger award and that is to pass it on. I was waiting on permission from the recepients. Some answered 'no', some answered 'yes' and some didn't answer.
Let me say one thing about blogs and awards and such. To me the greatest award you can give a blogger is to share her blog with others. If you enjoy a blog, then add it to your blog list. I took over an hour yesterday and updated my blog list. I was very behind on it. I added all the blogs I follow to my blog list and I will be more deligient to do it more often. I have blogged for couple of years and I only had a few followers who were so kind to leave sweet comments to me. These sweet ladies are trying to cut back their blogging time and do some designing and stuff so I will not pass these awards on to them because I know they don't have time now. However, Cyndi, Allie, Mrs.Goodneedle thanks for being my friend and commenting even when you were the only ones reading. Last month I had 2600 plus hits so my audience is definatley growing. Anyway, to make a long story short, there isn't a blog listed on my blog list that isn't deserving of an award and worth reading. If you enjoy my blog, I hope you will add me to yours.
I nominate
Bluebird Notes
Cookie and Claire,
Designs by Fee
Funky Village Lovely Blog
My Homespun Threads
Please click on their names to check them out. Please check out the others on my bloglist. Thank you again It's Sew Kiki for nominating me.
Happy Sewing!!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
I Won an Award
I am very honored and to accept the Stylish Blogger Award from It's So Kiki. She has a wonderful blog, you should pop on over there. By accepting this blog I am supposed to pass it on to six other blogs and tell you seven things about myself. Well, I am going to do this in two parts. I wanted to get permission from the bloggers that I chose before I announced them, since there is some responsibility that comes with the award. I have been turned down by a few. I am still sick so I may not be able to get permission from six. I thank Kiki for this award. I am definately learning as I go. Infact I just learned 3 days ago where to see all of my comments in one place. I'm so sorry if I missed your comments in the past.
So, here I go with seven things about me.
1) As long as I can remember, I wanted to be a Mommy, an actress and a singer. As is turned out I have six children, I sing solos and in the praise team at church and I am sure I have to 'act' from time to time.
2) I taught myself to sew and quilt when I became a mom 21 years ago, but have since traveled to many places in the country to take classes and schools from the best in the business. When I am interested in something I study it do death. George says I am a perfectionist and he is right.
3) I get very frustrated that I am not more computer savvy. I wish I knew how to make graphics and stuff on the computer.
4) I am a very loyal friend.
5) 1930's reproduction fabrics make me SO happy!!
6)I'm a carb and diet coke addict.
7)I want to visit all 50 states by the time I'm 50. I am only halfway there with just a few years to go.
Stop by tomorrow and see the bloggers I choose.
Happy Sewing!!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Happy Monday!
I hope you are all having a Happy Monday. George and I are recovering from a whirlwind cold. On Saturday night at 10:00 I was rehearsing for a solo I was supposed to sing yesterday at church. I felt a little tired and went right to sleep. At 7:00 am I woke up with a high fever, I actually thought I was having night sweats during the night. But George had the same fever, we had very sore throats and major coughs. I don't think I have ever gotten so sick, so fast. Very weird. Anyway, today I am supposed to meet my new client who wants me to make some curtains and pillows for her home. I am trying to look human before she gets here and praying she doesn't want them finished by tomorrow.(lol) I don't think I have enough energy to do too much sewing today.
I do have enough energy to cruise the sewing blogs and see all the creative things everyone makes. Speaking of that I have some projects posted at Skip to My Lou's linking party. You can find it here.

Oh...I am here too.

Happy Sewing Friends!!
I do have enough energy to cruise the sewing blogs and see all the creative things everyone makes. Speaking of that I have some projects posted at Skip to My Lou's linking party. You can find it here.

Oh...I am here too.

Happy Sewing Friends!!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
New Give Away and Flamingo Does the Ballet
While at a linking party at Kool Beens (see button on lower right) I found a nice give away at It's Sew Kiki. You can find her here. She is offering some nice things. If you enter, please mention that you saw it here.
Yesterday I helped my oldest daughter celebrate her 17th Birtday. We were going to take a weekend roadtrip but we have postponed it til George gets a new job. We had lunch at Pollo Tropical (her request) and we went window shopping. We stopped at one store that had some pretty "out there" things. Abby has been invited to prom by her boyfriend. He is a sweet boy from church and his mom is very excited about him taking my daughter. I am excited because my daughter is homeschooled and I am happy she'll have this opportunity. Anyway...to make a long story short. We took this picture and sent it to boyfriend's mom as a joke and said this was her new dress. She didn't know it was a joke and she texted back "WOW!!!!PRETTY!!! She didn't know it was a joke and those were the only words she could come up with. When we explained later, she said it looked like "Flamingo does the Ballet".
I told her she had named the perfect children's book and now we'd have to write it. It was all pretty funny.
Flamingo Does The Ballet
On another note, I gets lots of visitors to my blog, the other day I was getting one every five minutes or so. I am so glad to have visitors and if you like my blog, I'd love you to be a follower.
So, I am going to spend the entire day in my studio today. I have so many ideas, they are swirling around in my head making me dizzy.
Happy Sewing!!
Yesterday I helped my oldest daughter celebrate her 17th Birtday. We were going to take a weekend roadtrip but we have postponed it til George gets a new job. We had lunch at Pollo Tropical (her request) and we went window shopping. We stopped at one store that had some pretty "out there" things. Abby has been invited to prom by her boyfriend. He is a sweet boy from church and his mom is very excited about him taking my daughter. I am excited because my daughter is homeschooled and I am happy she'll have this opportunity. Anyway...to make a long story short. We took this picture and sent it to boyfriend's mom as a joke and said this was her new dress. She didn't know it was a joke and she texted back "WOW!!!!PRETTY!!! She didn't know it was a joke and those were the only words she could come up with. When we explained later, she said it looked like "Flamingo does the Ballet".
I told her she had named the perfect children's book and now we'd have to write it. It was all pretty funny.
Flamingo Does The Ballet
On another note, I gets lots of visitors to my blog, the other day I was getting one every five minutes or so. I am so glad to have visitors and if you like my blog, I'd love you to be a follower.
So, I am going to spend the entire day in my studio today. I have so many ideas, they are swirling around in my head making me dizzy.
Happy Sewing!!
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