I have always been a thrifty person, infact, I can stretch a dollar around the block under the right conditions. As a mom of a large family I have always shopped wisely. When my children were small it was much easier to feed them. Now, I all of the sudden have 5 daughters at home who eat like adults. Add that to the fact that I am now divorced and I don't receive child support on a regular basis and that equals a close to empty pantry and one nervous Momma. I do pretty good at making money from home. I teach sewing and sew for others and hope to soon have my patterns ready for sale. I can't work outside the home for more than teaching a few classes here and there, as I homeschool my girls and one of them has a mood disorder, which prevents me from leaving her for long. Anyway....let me get to the point. I never paid much attention to using coupons. I shop at Aldi and Walmart and places like that, I buy things on sale and buy store brands. Lately, there has been lots of talk about Extreme Couponing and I have been trying to learn more about it. Basically, you use your coupons only when an item is on sale or buy one get one free. BOGO's {buy one get one}are to be used with two coupons, one for each item. Well, I gave it a shot this week and I save a grand total of $106.85!!! I am thrilled. I know it will get even better when I figure it out more and start getting coupons on Sunday. Lots of coupons can be printed, but my printer is still not working. Argghhh! I found a lot of my information at Couponmom.com. She tells you where the best deals are by store and state and has links to online coupon sites, where you can print your own coupons. She makes it so much quicker and convenient. It is still somewhat time consuming but if you look at as "making money" then it seems to be worth it. I can't wait to see how this progresses and I will keep you updated.