1. Organize all of my fabric and sewing supplies.
Even though I just set up my studio a year ago, when we moved into this house, sadly there are still boxes that are not unpacked. Also, everytime I do a project my studio gets more and more dishoveled.
To show you how this un-organization takes it's toll, I'm going to share a true blonde moment with you. Feel free to laugh, it's pretty funny.
I was looking for my 1930's reproduction fabrics last night. I looked everywhere and I just couldn't find them. I have a ton of them, cause I've been collecting them for years. Well, I had given up and went to bed feeling defeated. I was lying there a while when all of the sudden I thought of a place to look. I got up and looked in my rolling sewing machine case that was under one of my cutting tables. There was definatley something in there.....but it wasnt fabric. No, it was wrapped Christmas presents for my kids. But...they were not from last month, Christmas 2011. NO! They were from Christmas 2010! I knew I was missing two gifts from that year but there was a whole case full. Wow! I'm a good hider, for sure.
Hidden Gifts from 2010
Now to my second sewing goal.
2. To use my stash of fabric.
Yes this has been a goal in the past but I am hopeful that I can do a lot better this year. I have found two ways to help me in this. The first is that I signed up to do a block of the month club at Craftsy. This looks really fun. For beginners it is great because each block is made with a video instructor. She makes the entire block with you. For those of us who are a litte more advanced, you can also get printed instructions. I hope you'll check it out. I plan on using my 1930's fabrics....um...that is if I ever find them. Anyway, this would be a good way to use up your stash.

A second way to use my stash is to use my scraps. I love, love, love the look of scrappy quilts. I can't throw those pretty little scraps away, just like our ancestors couldn't and they used every little piece. I was very exciting when I found Pleasant Home's Sew Scraps Along. They have some beautiful ideas and tutorials of how to use your scraps. I love a challenge and the thought of sewing scraps with others. I plan on participating and I hope you do too.

So, these are my first two sewing goals for 2012.
1. Organize my fabric and sewing supplies.
2. To use my fabric stash.
Participating in the Block of the Month and the Sew Scraps Along will surely help my with goal #2.
A personal goal I have is to lose 20 to 30 more pounds. I've lost almost 40 since August. I plan to be at my college weight by my Birthday in the spring. I hope and pray that you can meet your personal goals and that you make time for your self by sewing or crafting or whatever brings you joy. God bless you in 2012.
Happy Sewing!!
Oh am I laughing here about those gifts - my mother did that to me all my life! I can't tell you the number of gifts I got in June. I'm almost organized myself, working hard on it, and losing weight? Well, that will be a bonus if I meet my goal of exercising. Congrats on 40lbs, that is amazing, girl!
ReplyDeleteWow! Congratulations on the weight loss! I'm so happy for you. It sounds as if you are very goal oriented. I did laugh about the gifts, I have to admit. Your sewing goals are great! Good luck with using the stash. I never seem to get ahead of it. =)