I am sure that I am not alone....but...I have a hard time working on one project at a time. I know that common sense would be to work on only ONE project until it's completion. But when it comes to sewing or quilting...well...I get a little flighty. I need to finish 3 quilts asap. They are all the same pattern..my pattern. I need to finish them to use on my pattern cover. I worked all last weekend on one quilt and I got a lot done. However, I made the mistake of looking at, touching and feeling the fabric for the second quilt. I told myself that since all the quilts need to be finished eventually, I was still being productive if I started the cutting on quilt number 2. So...I began...and now...I have 2 new quilt half done and one I started 8 months ago, a little more than half way. Oh...and I have a kids sewing class to teach on Monday and I need to finish a sample of a jacket for that. This is Friday night. Oh well.. if you are not a quilter or fabricholic, then this makes no sense to you at all. However, if you have the same "illness" and attraction to fabric and the creative process, then you can probably relate. But, hey, there are worse problems we could have. Right?
My solution....get a good night's sleep. Wake up bright and early and start sewing. I will let you know how I progress.
"Sew many projects...Sew little time" S.F.