One of my daughters is turning eleven this week. She asked if she could have a tea party for her birthday party. After thinking about it, I decided that a tea party is a very economical party to have. We are borrowing plates, cups and tea pots from a friend. We are making finger foods and tea. I think we have enough stuff around the house to decorate the table. The party is going to be this Saturday. I will be sure and post photos.
Now, for those of you have been following my blog, you are not going to believe this. Those drapes that I was commissioned to make and took me over a month to finish... Well....they are BACK!!! Yes, Back! The client had her husband measure the old drapes and guess what? He measured them wrong. The rod pocket was supposed to be 3" but he wrote down 2". I am so glad that I got it in writing. Thankfully there was a little fabric left over. Now I have to "unsew" the rod pocket and add a strip of fabric to the back and make the pocket bigger. Oh well, atleast it wasnt my fault. That would have been awful.
Not much sewing going on in the studio today. The girls and I weeded the front flower bed. I am hoping to make the birthday girl and new dress for the tea party. I already have the fabric and the pattern, now all I need is more time.