I wish I could tell you all that is going on in my life right now. Unfortunatley, I can't. I will in the coming months, so stay tuned. Right now I am drowning in my 'to do' list. I have lost 2 verizon emails that I have had for over 10 years. I lost them in the divorce too, It just took a year for it to take affect. I had no idea, of everything that was connected to those emails. So, if you have been trying to reach me and couldn't, that is why.
I also have packages still in my car, that need mailing. Oh my goodness, I am behind in everything. I have to leave in a few days to go to Pennsylvania to be a bridesmaid for a good friend's wedding. I still dont even know how I am going to pay for food and lodging. I bought my non-refundable airline tickets and have paid for my car rental, but the ex is still way behind in child support and I am struggling to say the least. I havent finished making my dress for this event either.
I have a daughter's birthday coming up. A sewing summer camp to plan at my local Hancock's and much, much more. I wish I could tell you all, but there are some prying eyes who read my blog and I don't want to share some things in my life with him.
The day I return from my trip to Pennsylvania I am beginning the HCG diet. I read about it years ago in Kevin Trudea's book, The Diet Cure. I was disappointed back then because HCG wasn't readlily available in the U.S. without going to a costly clinic and without taking injections. I have now found out (from users on You Tube) that it can be taken sublinqually and obtained very inexpensively, if you order from the right pharmacy. I have spent many hours researching it and I believe it is safe and worth a try. I don't want to take up space on this blog to discus that, but I will probablly document it on another blog. I will give you that link if I do.
Well,it is 5:30 am on Saturday, I had better get started on all I need to do. One step at a time. That is what I keep telling myself.
Happy Sewing, Friends!